NRLW Trophy
Client / Project: NRL / Women’s Premiership trophy
Finish: Land linished raw aluminum
Materials: CNC-milled aluminium, vacuum-formed chrome
Designed by and collaboration partner: Roger Apte
Kinkfab were engaged by the sculptor (Roger Apte) of the original Men’s ‘Provan-Summons Trophy’ to assist in the design development and fabrication of the trophy for the newly formed Womens NRL.
The original mens trophy was hand sculpted, moulded and cast in bronze in 1982. For the womens trophy Apte and the client were interested in more contemporary ways of fabrication.
We were able to digitally sculpt the design based on Apte’s original hand sketches, and further develop the design for fabrication using the latest 5 axis CNC milling tools.
The trophy consists of more than 25 components which interlocks together to shield a mirror silver ball.
Kinkfab and Roger Apte recieved the prestigious Good Design Award for the trophy in 2020